/* Dutch (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */ /* Written by O4M-CMS */ jQuery(function($){ $.datepicker.regional['lang'] = { closeText: lang.button_close, prevText: '< '+lang._PAG_PREV, nextText: lang._PAG_NEXT+' >', currentText: lang._MN_TODAY, monthNames: [lang._JAN,lang._FEB,lang._MAR,lang._APR,lang._MAY,lang._JUN,lang._JUL,lang._AUG,lang._SEP,lang._OCT,lang._NOV,lang._DEC], monthNamesShort: [lang._JA_,lang._FE_,lang._MA_,lang._AP_,lang._MY_,lang._JU_,lang._JL_,lang._AU_,lang._SE_,lang._OC_,lang._NO_,lang._DE_], dayNames: [lang._SUNDAY,lang._MONDAY,lang._TUESDAY,lang._WEDNESDAY,lang._THURSDAY,lang._FRIDAY,lang._SATURDAY], dayNamesShort: [lang._SUN,lang._MON,lang._TUE,lang._WED,lang._THU,lang._FRI,lang._SAT], dayNamesMin: [lang._SUN,lang._MON,lang._TUE,lang._WED,lang._THU,lang._FRI,lang._SAT], //weekHeader: 'Wk', //dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy', firstDay: 1, isRTL: false, showMonthAfterYear: false, yearSuffix: ''}; $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['lang']); }); function Lang() { this.button_delete = "Delete"; this.button_edit = "Edit"; this.button_remove = "Remove"; this.button_close = "Close"; this.button_submit = "Submit"; this.button_save = "Save"; this.button_text = "Choose a file..."; this.move = "Move"; this.loadmore = "Load More"; this.loadfinish = "No more entries"; this.empty_text = "No file..."; this.monthsFull = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"]; this.monthsShort = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]; this.weeksFull = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]; this.weeksShort = ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"]; this.today = "Today"; this.datelist = "Date List"; this.clear = "Clear"; this.delMsg1 = "Are you sure you want to delete this record?"; this.delMsg2 = "This action cannot be undone!!!"; this.working = "working..."; this.pag_total = "Total"; this.pag_curpage = "Current Page"; this.pag_of = "of"; this.pag_ipp = "Items per page"; this.pag_prev = "Prev"; this.pag_next = "Next"; this.pag_first = "First"; this.pag_last = "Last"; this.pag_rs = "records selected"; this.please_wait = "Please wait..."; this._MN_TODAY = "Today"; this._PAG_PREV = "Prev"; this._PAG_NEXT = "Next"; this._SUNDAY = "Sunday"; this._MONDAY = "Monday"; this._TUESDAY = "Tuesday"; this._WEDNESDAY = "Wednesday"; this._THURSDAY = "Thursday"; this._FRIDAY = "Friday"; this._SATURDAY = "Saturday"; this._MON = "Mon"; this._TUE = "Tue"; this._WED = "Wed"; this._THU = "Thu"; this._FRI = "Fri"; this._SAT = "Sat"; this._SUN = "Sun"; this._JAN = "January"; this._FEB = "February"; this._MAR = "March"; this._APR = "April"; this._MAY = "May"; this._JUN = "June"; this._JUL = "July"; this._AUG = "August"; this._SEP = "September"; this._OCT = "October"; this._NOV = "November"; this._DEC = "December"; this._JA_ = "Jan"; this._FE_ = "Feb"; this._MA_ = "Mar"; this._AP_ = "Apr"; this._MY_ = "May"; this._JU_ = "Jun"; this._JL_ = "Jul"; this._AU_ = "Aug"; this._SE_ = "Sep"; this._OC_ = "Oct"; this._NO_ = "Nov"; this._DE_ = "Dec"; this._M_HOUR = "Hour"; this._M_MINUTE = "Minute"; this._M_C_TIME = "Current Time"; } var lang = new Lang();